What Happens if You Die Without an Estate Plan?

Over half of Americans don’t have an estate plan, which raises an important question: What happens if you die without one? The answer is heavily dependent on your personal circumstances – but it’s important that you have a clear understanding of what may happen to your assets if you die without an estate plan in place.
Why Late Summer/Early Fall is Often the Best Time To Buy a Home

We’re just a few weeks into the summer, and the housing market is likely to be as hot as the weather over the next couple of months. During the early summer, demand is often sky-high with families out of school and time off to make a move for many families. This often leads to more sellers listing their homes to take advantage of the higher demand and negotiating power.
How Cryptocurrency Impacts Your Estate Plan

Cryptocurrency is a relatively new phenomenon, even if Bitcoin and other popular forms have actually been around for nearly 15 years now. The practice is catching on for a lot of investors, and some view it as a great investment to make and pass on to heirs and other loved ones.
How Your Credit Impacts Buying a House

Buying a home can be one of the most fulfilling journeys for anyone, whether you’re doing so as an individual or with your family. It’s a major moment in your life to pick out the house you’re going to spend most of your time over the next several years. However, the journey can also be a challenging one with plenty of roadblocks in the way of your future home. We aren’t financial advisors, but we constantly work with clients to help ## fulfill their real estate dreams and understand the role a ## credit score plays in the process.
3 Things Often Forgotten in an Estate Plan

The perfect estate plan protects your hard work and your family from headaches after you’re gone. We cherish the opportunity to help clients sort through their estate and come up with a plan that’s thorough and makes sure everyone is considered at the end of the day. But, a lot of plans aren’t comprehensive and miss out on some key details that are necessary to include.
Why 2022 is Your Year to Buy a Home in Florida

Look, we get it. We know the Florida real estate market as much as anyone, and we know it’s incredibly hot right now. In fact, Zillow projects the top two real estate markets in the entire country will be in Florida for 2022. We previously went over some tips to help you stand out. Now, let’s look at why 2022 is your year.
How To Make Florida Probate Easy On Your Family

Probate in Florida can be a difficult process. When someone dies, everything they leave behind (known as their estate) enters into probate. If that person created an Estate Plan while they were alive, their belongings will be divided according to their wishes. If they died without leaving behind an Estate Plan, it is up to the discretion of a Florida Judge to divide everything up – not their loved ones.
5 Real Estate Resolutions For 2022

Being a homeowner is never easy, but being a homeowner trying to sell your home – or anticipating a move in the near future – is a stressful prospect. If you’re assessing your options for relocating, the New Year is a great time to take stock of what you’ve got and where you want to go. For all homeowners considering putting your place up for sale in 2022, here are our 5 Real Estate Resolutions:
4 Estate Planning Questions To Ask At the End of the Year

The end of the year and the start of a new one is a time for rest and reflection. How did your life change in the last year, and what do you want to do with it in the next one? When you’re looking back at all that has happened, it’s also a great time to review your Estate Plan.
4 Tips To Help Real Estate Buyers Stand Out From the Pack
But what can a buyer do to stand out from the rest of the pack in this crazy market?